About Me & How I Can Help You
I will listen to your history, your symptoms, and the goals you want to accomplish. Using a whole foods approach based on evidence-based science, I will work with you to create a plan that helps you be the driver of your own life.
Together, we will break through any strict rules or dogma you have learned in the past. Food should be enjoyed, not feared. Your body has an innate wisdom and the capacity for sustained health.

"Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do."
- Ecclesiastes 9:7

My Story
Food and cooking have always played a central role in my life. My fondest memories as a child are of large Sunday meals at my grandmother's house, surrounded by extended family. Meals would last for hours as we lingered over food from everyone's garden. Everything was homemade, and this is how I learned to cook. I used my cooking skills to pay my way through college and into my first job. Even as a clinical dietitian, I could not stay away from the kitchen. I was placed in charge of a very large staff and an even bigger kitchen, serving thousands of patients and personnel each day.
Though I found success and achieved professional goals through hard work, I struggled personally with depression, migraines, eczema, and psoriasis. At one point, my hands became so stiff, I was referred to a rheumatologist who warned me of psoriatic arthritis - a debilitating autoimmune disease that permanently damages the joints. I missed work regularly due to my migraines. I was stuck in a cycle and had tried everything recommended by my doctor. I had no energy, was depressed, and felt the medical community had failed me - and even worse, as I had failed myself.
After years of study, working with clients as a registered dietitian, and my personal health journey, this is what I know: food is medicine. What you eat directly affects your skin, immune system, moods, inflammation, hormones, energy, and all your bodily systems! I can show you how food is mood, moving a little will change your life, and everything else follows. By changing my diet and making lifelong lifestyle changes, I have been able to optimize my energy, immunity, and skin, and keep my depression at bay.

Credentials & Experience
BS, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Licensed Dietitian, Texas
MBA, Master of Business Administration
Ph.D. in Public Health Management
Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (INFCP)
Years of education and research in public health and mental health
University Associate Professor